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I want share my story with my clients, so from time to time I will add pictures - personal pictures, events or partnerships. Look for them here!



Speaking at Word of Deliverance Business Expo.

Panel at the Small Business Expo in Middletown, OH.

Panel at the Small Business Expo in Middletown, OH.


Recently I had the opportunity to attend to several conferences in the area. The first one, in February of this year was the Word of Deliverance Business Expo. The second, in March, was the Small Business Expo hosted by the Ohio SBDC, the Middletown Community Foundation and the Pendleton Arts Center.

Panel at the Small Business Expo in Middletown, OH.

Panel at the Small Business Expo in Middletown, OH.

With my Business Trainer at Bullpen Restaurant in Indianapolis, IN.

With my Business Trainer at Bullpen Restaurant in Indianapolis, IN.

My Father and me at LegalShield workshop at the Hamilton Mill, Hamilton, OH.

My Father and me at LegalShield workshop at the Hamilton Mill, Hamilton, OH.


In the fall of 2014 I hosted a LegalShield Seminar at the Hamilton Mill. Those who attended the presentation received an understanding of the benefits and assistance of LegalShield.